Our little two-year-old grandson is learning to
beatbox and has a recent music video out!
It's under Trail Marathon #2
(you did AWESOME, BTW Dani!!)
Liam is a crack up! He just starts doing his
thing at any given time - pants on or off!
Scroll down to the top two videos
and hopefully the replay button
won't get worn out! :)
A few weeks ago, Leisa went out to do a little birthday shopping and found a super sale at Al's. she found a few things for Mark and a great shirt and pair of cool shorts for Jake. A week or so later, Mark went out to do a little birthday shopping for his Dad and found a great sale at Al's and came home with a great shirt for his dad! We have learned that the two of us have similar taste! What a funny thing. We all got a chuckle out of that one and a couple of great photos. Mark's dad thought it was about time he should try out some shorts! He came home with these gray shorts, trying to follow after Jake and we couldn't resist these photos.
Anyone know who does hems???
Always learning or trying something new!
That's the spirit!
Like great new card games!!
WAHOO! Pinochle time!!
If you stop by for a visit, you may just have to
stick around long enough to play
our new favorite game!
This game has been around for a very long time -
but it is new to us!
Jake has been very patient teaching us.
Anyone want to try to shoot the moon?
We LOVE it!
A dog is a dog no matter what the size and we have learned that the
gray cat does NOT want to be friendly with any dog.
Our cousin Robert has been by quite a bit the past couple of weeks
and he brings Ramses along with him.
It's always entertaining in one way or another!!
Life is just great. Always something new to learn.
How about this - we have recently learned that we are 99%
sure that our next grandchild will be a grand daughter!!
A little perk with a doc in the family!
In the photo above the ultra sound shot,
you can see her little arm.
Lindsey will get to have a 3D ultra sound in a few more weeks.
They are due January 8th.
Learning new things is just wonderful!!