So the story goes on.... over 2 hours later....2 nasty bee stings later...he had once again moved each of the 55 frames and dusted off all the bees and had them tucked away safely. It took a lot of smoking and leaf blowing magic to get all those bees out of our garage and back where they belonged. In the short time they were out, the bees managed to rob back three full frames that were uncapped. They had those frames cleaned right up with not a drop left behind. Those were some busy bees.
I decided I better get busy and make some kind of redeeming dinner. I had a roasted chicken and I made this amazing Tangy Pear and Bleu Cheese Salad found here (it has five stars for reason..YUM!) and some delicious Caprese topped bread. It was a lovely meal and Mark was a rock star. No complaints about the bike ride he missed because of my dumb mistake. I love him.
You can see the red above his right eye...the next morning it looked like this: