here for week #6 ~ Project 2010
(a day early!)
*hope you have all found some luck this month*
Our luck was being able to spend time with every family member
this month with the exception of Brady who was working hard in Michigan. (We miss you, Brady!)
Here is a slide show with some photos of Emily's trip to Afton with Insishfre and some time we squeezed in with Liam and Dani while they had an all-day layover in SLC on their way home from Alaska. (We got in some great visiting - ate at In & Out Burger, explored the Aquarium in Sandy and finsihed the day off with yummy salads from Wingers!) Dani is due in May with a little girl and we can't wait! Mark and Davis stopped by Lindsey's on their way to Vegas. Davis is going to work down there for the summer - and may decide to stay and go to school. Time will tell. There are videos in this slideshow and I am working to get them by themselves below. The first two are just a rehearsal but is kind of fun to see their footwork. Em is on the far left. The soft shoe - look for Emily in back left. Her partner is the poor girl who falls. In the hard shoe - She is on the far right. The lighting was not too good so our little flip struggled a bit capturing.
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