Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cache Valley Century, check.

 Cache Valley Century 2013.
A day Mark looks forward to every year.  He loves to ride around this glorious valley we live in.
Lindsey was looking forward to fully completing her first ever century.  Jake had injured his knee earlier in the week and decided to bite the bullet and attempt it anyway!  
Pretty cool, sophisticated, wrap, huh?
These three had complete success and such a great ride together!

Meanwhile...back at the ranch...
We headed to the kitchen before we were even dressed and mixed up a cake and some pretty crazy baby cupcakes.  Some days, three-year-olds, have very specific ideas in mind ;)  Molly is great in the kitchen and Owen loves to help.  Then we took a little picnic to the park.  Super fun day for everyone!  Summer has been wonderful.

1 comment:

the firths said...

So proud to have such a sporty family- great job to all. I'm also impressed by the fancy cake!