We love Alaska because this is where Emily joined our family...
The kids went to an awesome grade school called Ravenwood...
We say our lives really began here because Mark was finally finished
with medical school and long hours of residency and single parenting was a thing
of the past. We had a "real job" and we were finally able to buy a home for our family!
So much family time!
Life was so good.
Mark finally had time to do some fishing, tie flies, get a good nights rest and enjoy family. We had some really amazing friends that helped our home sick family through holidays and enjoy season after season in one of the most beautiful places on our planet!

Family enjoyed ANNUAL "Once in a Lifetime" trips to play
with us and get their fill of fishing!
We enjoyed the most amazing state fair in the world! 196 lb pumpkins and 9 lb radishes were taking home the blue ribbons. We had potato sack races, ate cotton candy and entered quilts. (That's a cabbage next to 3 year old Camber)
We met the Harrell's at Travis AFB in about 1991. We became fast friends and were so excited when we were both assigned to Elmendorf AFB. Of course we needed to be neighbors. Our kids grew up together...just like cousins.
Cathy and I looked after each others kids like they were our own.
People at church were always confusing our husbands with each other
(they even had some color in their hair at this point!)
We laughed, cried, played and learned so much together!
Most of their kids call Utah home now and they are still living the dream in AK :)
We had the chance to get a bunch of us together last night and it was heavenly!
Friendship just gets richer by the year.
Our families are growing and it wonderful to watch them!
Our families are growing and it wonderful to watch them!
We love you and are so grateful to have been blessed with so many wonderful friends!!
I love all those pictures! Especially when Janell looks like she's thinking,'how did I end end up next to David'
Thanks for having us over! You are the best friends ever.
Long live AK and the Harrells. Someday I'll forgive you for that white turtleneck...
Oh my goodness, I love this. So fun to see the Firth family back in the Alaska days.
I also love Alaska! It was fun to see all of your pictures!
Oh WOW. Possibly it's just the higher camera quality, but does anyone else think we all look a lot better now?
So glad to be neighbors again!!
I was determined not to love Logan - but failed. Such a wonderful place! Maybe we can be neighbors again one day! Thanks for the memories.
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