Mark and I felt it very important to return to Pasadena for some healing. We needed to meet the people Davis worked with and visit with his band mates. We needed to see where he lived and breathed since we had last been with him there. Hand in hand we shored each other up. It was a good thing to go. But also very difficult and tender.
Flying over the mountains of the Pacific Rim Trail - a hike Davis had on his bucket list. We're hopeful that there will be so many wonderful opportunities yet for him and each of us to continue to grow and explore options we never even thought possible. Faith is a powerful thing. We draw so much strength from it.

With Camber's instructions, I kept myself occupied on the plane ride tying up these cool little book marks to share with his friends. Mark had great fly tying tips to help me out! They turned out pretty great! We had the sweetest experience visiting the Pasadena South Ward. Evident tender mercies. We can say that we both felt an overwhelming sense of love. (And don't you love that groovy vintage hotel room?! I have a thing for places like that!)
Davis began working at Chado Tea Room in January of 2013. He was thrilled to finally have a job again. After months in rehab it was so refreshing to him to have the chance to meet new friends and be in a position to provide for himself. It may have not been the perfect job, but he certainly took great pride in learning what he did there and being able to share his knowledge with others.
I love this panaramic shot Janell took last fall.
It's a small place but this gives you a feel for the room.
Just think much more narrow :)
The owners just happened to be there when we stopped in early afternoon.
We felt fortunate to meet them and hear them talk a little bit about our boy.
It was very tender to be here where Davis spent so many hours. We felt a little piece of his soul.
We could just imagine him scurrying about taking care in his service to each customer.
With over 300 types of tea and even some "this isn't really tea" (as he told us in one of his lectures while he was at home sharing samples with us last fall) there is something for everyone.
The warm drinks soothed our souls.
The simple little stories shared by his co-workers warmed out hearts.
"Oh, Davis loved his scones!" They would all say!
"It was a ritual every morning!
And through out the day he would pop one in to
warm out and keep his eye on it
as he scurried to and for - so no one would
sneak it!"
We had to order the scones because he told us all many times that we would need to try one some day. He was absolutely right! They are a pretty amazing treat, especially with that cream! And then when Mark had swallowed his first bite, he said I know why he loved these - they taste just like home. I lost it pretty good right then. There is no doubt in our minds that Davis knew of our love for him. He knew what home tasted like in many ways.
Photos taken before we tasted that sweet taste of home :) Good thing!!
Davis' manager wasn't in today so we would come back on Monday to meet him. I must add that I wasn't really on my A game with photos on this trip. We were drinking it all on with our hearts.
Just about a week before we left a surprise was delivered to our home. One of Davis' good friends and band member had mailed a bunch of his shirts to us. He had apologized for taking so long but just couldn't bring himself to send them away. I tend to think he got a little nudge from Davis because they came at a perfect time when I really needed them and it also gave us the opportunity to connect with these wonderful people because he shared his phone with me. Kyle shared a funny story with us about those shirts. He ended up with a big bag of Davis' clothes while he was transitioning from one place to another. He told Davis he would hang on to them so he didn't have to drag it on his skateboard and then onto the bus. He told Davis he would give him one shirt back each time he came to band practice and Davis thought that was pretty funny!
(My favorite shirt was in that box and I wore it all day long the day it came.)
It was pretty cool that the hostess sat us at the very table they all first sat at when they first brought Davis there. Tucked away at the back of the room we probably spent over two hours chatting happily and laughing together as we shared memories and stories of Davis. We were able to hear about the the memorial they had for him and they wanted every detail of his funeral. Tender moments and new friends and Davis was near.
Kyle, Davis' Mom, Courtney and Daniel.
(We met Jeff earlier and he had to leave)

A few photos taken Oct. 26, 2013 on their memorial day for Davis.
Wish we could have met more of these people.
Blax did the artwork. Love it!
One of the venues for a recent concert they performed at.
Hardest part of the trip.
This is where Davis' apartment was. It was really nice to walk the halls and see where he lived. It was immaculately clean and had a very peaceful feeling. We were really glad to see it. It had a numbered lock box but we were able to grab the door as someone was exiting the building. He was in a small studio apartment here. There was a shared bathroom on each hall. Glad it was unlocked ;) I think he did a great job finding a safe, comfortable place to live on such a limited budget. I'll never forget how happy we was when I talked to him on his birthday last year. It was the day he was finally moving out on his own after he reached his goal of 1 year sober. Love the vintage building. We are again so grateful to Mark's brother who made the special effort of packing up and cleaning his apartment for us. So glad we saw where he lived. I remember one day he told me how fortunate he felt every day when he left or returned to his place. There are many homeless people very near and one day he noticed a man with no shoes. He asked him what size he wore and told him to hang on for a few minutes. He dashed up to his apartment and returned with a pair of his shoes for the man. It's just the way he rolled. A heart of gold.
Davis with his niece Molly on his last trip to Logan - August 2013. I'll never have enough photos of this boy. I will be the first to admit that with each passing day I know it's one day closer until we'll see him again. No doubt about that.
Kyle and Daniel told us to pop into Meow Meowz - it was where they practiced as a band a lot.
Just have this picture in my mind of Davis skating down Colorado on his board with his hair flowing in the breeze...he didn't love the heat and I know he adored these amazing trees that line the road. 
Monday we did a little shopping and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at Russell's and we highly recommend it! Best waffles I have ever eaten! Make sure you get the real maple syrup ;) We were waiting for the lunchtime rush to quiet down so we could spend a little time with Jordan, his boss. Like so many of us, he was greatly effected by the news of Davis' death. Jordan told us he has experienced a lot of loss in his life but none so great as that with Davis. He hadn't seen any signs that could have given him a clue. Jordan told us because of his own life experiences and things he had been through, he had a special place for Davis in his heart and tried to keep him under his wing and watchful eye. We are humbled and grateful for many people who loved and cared about Davis. It was soon time to return to the airport. It was a bitter sweet trip that has given us some closure. We are so glad to have made connections with people who have touched our boy and learned of a few simple ways he lifted those around him...everywhere he went.
Thank you for sharing your trip.
That was a great read. Thanks leisa for posting a wonderful blog. I love and miss davis also.
Just read this for the first time today. Thanks for posting! So nice to see a few new pics from the trip I hadn't seen yet.
Dear Leisa,
I found your blog at the recommendation of DeAnn Olsen. Please accept my heartfelt sympathy over the passing of your beautiful Davis. I'm moved by your faith, hope and love, as well as the way you are walking this journey with your eyes wide open and grateful. God bless you and your entire family.
Such a sweet, heart-felt post. Thank you for sharing this tender time with us. It gives me a better sense of Davis, and of your grief and healing. Love you!
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