Thursday, October 28, 2010

Guy Fawkes Day, Pie Contest & Autumn in Cache Valley

We are so lucky to be blessed with such wonderful friends who share traditions with us. The Monson's invited Mark & I to judge a pie eating contest - I know, fun, huh? for their annual Guy Fawkes Day. They lived in England for several years and this tradition is a big celebration they hold over there with huge bon fires and fireworks. We had no idea. Apparently they are commemorating when Guy was caught when he was planning to plow up Parliament way back in the early 1600's. Everyone makes their own "guy" to toss in the bon fire and we all cheer. Alrighty then. It was fun to see the little guy-creations that the kids came up with. The food was great - pies were delightful (don't love being the judge except for the tasting part!) and Kris's yard was beautiful. The rainy weather didn't dampen anyone's spirits. Roasted jacket potatoes were served in the garage accompanied with some amazing salads. The rain stopped when it was time to light the fire and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Thanks K & M for being such wonderful hosts. We love our friends so much!

Some of the guy-creations
Kris is such an amazing gardener! Look at her beautiful pumpkins!

The upper left photo shows what happens when you are way to close to pile of
sticks that someone has just poured gasoline all over and then throw in a match!
I thought I was a goner!
The Rootbeer Float Pie was the winner! We thought it was so unique and yummy.
They were all really delicious. How do really pick a winner?
We were the real winners because we got to taste all of them!

Cache Valley Autumn Colors

We LOVE the wonderful fall treats :: Thank you Emily!
These photos were taken last Thursday - just before
the weather took a big, cold, snowy, wet turn.

one last thing...check out these adorable shoes!!
I fixed the link ;)


quippish endeavor said...

I LOVE you photos! Cache Valley is is beautiful this time of year.

I am completely jealous of this marvelous pie tasting you were able to participate in! Rootbeer pie?! Please snag the recipe to share!


Kris said...

Thanks for being our wonderful judges! Next year, YOU get to participate and we'll find some other taste buds to take your place! Still bringing you some Lavender Hill honey. Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Oh Leisa, the pictures are so pretty. I just love the colors of fall! Can't wait to see you guys this December! We need to talk soon!

Ali Andrus said...

Gorgeous photos. What a good eye you have for photography.

missriss said...

That's perfect that it rained for their celebrations. It almost always rains on bonfire night! I would say always but there must have been times when it hasn't. Happy Guy Fawkes!

Linda C said...

Ok I'm buying a new camera...wonderful pictures, Leisa...and why didn't Nathan and I get invited to the party...We have to find friends who are more fun or at least ones who want us to