But first this...There is an old yellow building, run down and rather dilapidated just a stones throw from our home. Well maybe quite a large throw... But I have always wondered what it was like inside. Did someone really live there? I knew it had originally been an LDS chapel. Well last Saturday I had a chance to take a peek inside. They had a garage sale in the building. I have never seen so many Christmas decorations from one persons collection in my entire life. I couldn't get over how much STUFF there was. I vow to have my possessions in check when I leave this life. Oh my. It was just a scratch in the surface apparently and there may be more garage sales in near future. It sound like they will be demolishing the building and subdividing the land. That will be a good thing. It is heartbreaking for many of the older folks in our neighborhood who's parents and grand parents really sacrificed to build that chapel to see it in such disrepair. This is one reason the LDS church now tears down old buildings rather than sell them.
The fun part of morning was discovering the sweetest retro chartreuse crushed velvet love seat that will soon reside in Em's bedroom! This photo does not do the color justice. I snapped it with my phone camera inside the building. It was pretty dark inside. It has the cutest shape and the tufted back is adorable!! We are looking into replacing the piping with a black & white fabric.
This is in where the chapel would have been.
And here are the ceiling tiles. I am guessing they were added when they
remodeled it. It was a photo studio and a reception hall.
The words read:
Logan Eighth Ward
Erected 1908
I had never noticed it. I love it.
Now for a peek at the Studio...It's very hard to not wait until it is just perfect before I show photos..but alas, it IS a work in progress so I will share it in stages. My kids living out of state are anxious for a peek. The wall color is Stone Grey from Porter Paints. The floor is of course an original. Never to be duplicated again! I will post the steps we took some other day.
I varnished this little table this afternoon. It proudly sits under this little gem of a light! I had a little chandelier high my wish list and Mark kept asking me, are you sure? I was sure. It's perfect. A little bling for beading parties! I loved the black and she isn't too showy. She is just right.
This table was love at first sight! I walked into a consignment shop I have driven by dozens of times and had never stopped. It was a set with a beautiful hutch. Sadly, the hutch just wasn't right for the plans of our room and luckily the owner was willing to split the set. I hope someone finds the hutch and gives it a wonderful home.
I love the grey fabric on these chairs! And the little wings on the backs?! For some crazy reason every time I look at this dining room set it reminds of Hawaii. Maybe the motif is a bit pineapple-like. But it puts a smile on my face. A great table for games or dinner or a wool class!
Where the messy table is will be a nice built in piece that Mark is currently constructing. The far end will be the wool dying kitchen and then through the door is the bathroom...with a shower for overnight stays ;) You can see the shape of the old room as it frames the entrance. It was tiny.
A close up the one of the love seats. Amazing finds. The light color will remind my grandchildren that this is a fun room, but one we will take care of....

I found twin red chairs at the Savvy Brother's Consignment shop. They are perfect. I plan to paint a couple of older chairs we have kicking around here...maybe black?? You can see where the bunk beds will go - back behind the love-seat against the wall. A set for each side of the room. The bottom bed will be a double and top a twin. I need to get the quilts going for those!! So much to do but it is a process we are enjoying. It is great to be able to be up in the room now.
Emily has been organizing the wool and it is pretty obvious that I better get busy and dye some more!
Thanks for taking a peek! Hope you can stop by and see it in person soon!