Friday, October 21, 2011

Puppies...Pizza and Cousins

 That's what we found at the Jacklin house on our way home from St. George!
The first order of business was to check in on the chickens and say hello to our friends the horses.

 The pizza was delicious!  Only best out of this kitchen! 
We enjoyed a sweet skype session with Miss Em and shared a lot of
good laughs as we enjoyed her latest update.
 Peach dessert came next and then off we went to play with the puppies!

 Living life in the moment...
nothing is much sweeter than this.


the firths said...

Great pictures with the kids and the puppy! The kids loved seeing their cousins with the animals!

Curtis Family said...

I haven't been on blogspot for so long. So glad I stopped in and saw how CUTE the whole Jacklin-Flinder/Christiansen/Firth Clan are! Where does Jug and Shelley live now? I think it looks like Spanish Fork.

deerhollow said...

They are in Payson :)
You were close!

Kris said...

I WANT that puppy! (But can't have her!) She looks so much like Yaki did.
Just caught up on your posts. Woohoo on the century Mark!